Season 1 ∨
Could Your Business Use a Podcast?
In this first episode, I'm presenting some questions you may want to think about when considering a podcast for your business. This kind of starts the conversation about what's required in podcasting...and how I can...
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Ditch the Overwhelm
Can we talk? Is one of the reasons you're NOT starting a podcast because you're already overwhelmed with #allthethings you need to do in and for your biz? Please, friend, don't let that stop you! I've got your back......
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What About All That Writing?!
Whodathunk there's so much writing involved in and related to doing a podcast? But, never fear, whether or not you consider yourself a wordsmith, once again, I gotcha covered! Resources/links mentioned in this...
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Reaching Your "Peeps"
There's gold in your mailing list...but remember, there are people there, first and foremost! A podcast manager can help you keep in touch with them, serve them, and grow a vibrant community of raging fans! Good for...
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Production and Promotion
I've mentioned before the two major areas a Podcast Manager can help you with: podcast production and podcast promotion. In this episode, I dig into what's involved in each one. Production = getting the episode...
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Wrapping It Up - My Unique Services
Well, if you've gotten this far, I applaud you! Here's where I kind of wrapped this series up in a bow and summarized what I can offer you as a Podcast Manager. Please keep in mind that I can - and do - tailor my...
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